Check out our YouTube video highlighting these pods! 

Shop Bunkerkings ESC Pods Here!

What's up guys, this Joel with Punisher's Paintball and today we are doing a product overview.  We've got the Bunker Kings ESC pods.  These are really good paintball pods if you are wearing a strapless pack guys.  We are here to just kind of touch over price point as well as some of the features of the ESC pod.

Alright, so we've got the Bunkerkings ESC pods which are offered in four different colors: Smoke, clear, blue, and red.  These pods are going to be offered in those colorways which gives you a little bit of variety if you're trying to match whatever color theme you have going with your paintball gear. 

Over here we've got some GenX Global pods just to highlight some of the differences between the ESC pod compared to the GXG pod.

So the ESC pods are going to retail for a price point of $39.95 but you are going to get a bundle of eight total pods which are going to be $5 a piece obviously.  They are more expensive than your genx global pods that are $2.50 a pod but you are going to gain some features.

If these are pods that you are using, you're not going to just throw them on the ground like you are with a speedball event since they are more expensive.  You're probably going to attempt to keep better track of these pods. 

First and foremost, very durable design.  You're going to have almost the same plastic design as the spires.  I think it might be like the glass filled nylon material that they've got with the Virtue Spire 5 shells.  Overall, very good design.  They've got the "we kill suckers" emblem on the side here and what's nice about that is it's kind of like got this rubber feel to it so you shouldn't have any issues with the pods slipping out once you've actually got them in a strapless pod pack.  I think that's kind of the concept of putting that on the side there.   It's kind of like a no-slip material so that when you're running you're not going to lose your pods.

Another nice feature with the BK ESC pods is the "no spill lid" which has a wide, recessed thumb grip.  This makes it a little bit more difficult to pop that lid open during play.  The lid has the perfect amount of tension where you're going to be able to pop it open but you're not going to struggle.  The lid will be a little bit tougher than say a Gen X Global pod that has this tab.  The lid tab on the GXG pods can sometimes get caught.  As guys can see there, it was a little bit easier to pop this open which that is nice but if you're wearing a strapless pack and you don't want to lose all your paintballs this is a better pod because you're not going to catch this tab on something.  Whether it's a another pod, a tree branch, whatever the case may be.. with the ESC pod you're not going to have that issue. So you're going to save some paintballs in the long run.

Another nice feature about the ESC pod is that you have this foam on the bottom of the lid.  The side of the lid that is facing the paintballs is going to have that so it's a little bit easier to fill your pods and not potentially break paintballs in your pod.  It should also help with paint dimpling and all that stuff. 

Overall guys I think that this is a really nice pod.  Capacity wise it's going to be a 140 round pod.. in the same realm as the gxg pods.  It's offered in 4 different colors so it gets style points.  The "no spill lid", tapered geometry, and flared edges of the Bunkerkings pod make it much better if you're wearing a strapless pack.  I get a lot of people who say "I don't want a strapless pod pack because I'm worried about losing pods or losing the paintballs in the pods".  The ESC Pods eliminate this issue with their design!


Joel Baker