Paintball Masks / Goggles
Paintball masks are the most important part of your paintball gear. Your paintball mask is the only required piece of protective equipment that you can't play paintball without.
When thinking about how to buy a paintball mask, there a few things to consider. Your paintball mask should fit your face properly without falling down. If you tighten the adjustable straps to their limit and the paintball mask falls off of your face, you need to look for a new paintball mask.
When you find paintball masks that fit your face, the next thing to consider is comfort. Does the foam inside the paintball mask feel comfortable on your face? If so, you're on the right track!
Finally, the make-or-break part of a good paintball mask is the lens! High quality paintball masks use dual-pane thermal lenses. Dual-pane thermal paintball goggles prevent fogging while playing paintball. Foggy lenses make for a poor experience when you play paintball. Make it a point to buy a paintball mask with a dual-pane lens to prevent fogging!
Punisher's PB carries the widest variety of paintball masks in the industry. We are here to ensure that you find the right paintball mask for your comfort, price range, and style. If you have any quesitons about paintball masks, feel free to call, email or DM us on social media!